
Cultural Evolutionary Behavioural Science​

Cultural Evolutionary Behavioural Science​

The term “paradox of diversity” was coined by Michael to describe the double-edge sword that is diversity: a diverse work environment fosters innovation but if poorly designed can create divisions hindering collaboration.

The post on the Collective Brain approach to innovation available here should have made clear that successful  innovation is the product of the environment and not that of individual genius. Among the three  malleable environmental factors affecting  innovation called levers of innovation (size and interconnectedness of the group, transmission fidelity and cultural trait diversity), diversity offers the most upward, but also the most downward, potential.

Culturalytik’s nuanced approach to diversity helps to mitigate this potential, carefully designing the optimal bespoke diverse environment for your company enabling it to reap the maximum benefits with minimal cost.  First, it measures deep diversity: focusing on cultural traits such as  values and beliefs predicting behaviour rather than superficial diversity. Then, it designs the optimal division of labour, with enough  group specialization allowing for deeper expertise, while making sure this doesn’t create polarization and isolation of that said  expertise. One of the practical ways Culturalytik uses  to arrange for intersection of all the expertises is  the careful selection and placement of “bridge individuals”.

Michael’s paper introducing the Paradox of Diversity in more details is available here, as well as a simplified explanation of the paper available here.