
Global expansion​

Global Expansion

Large-scale Mergers and Acquisitions often lead to global expansion, whether it is expansion to a new region, new country, or continent.  Your firm then becomes cross-cultural, involving people from different backgrounds and nationalities working remotely or locally in different locations. Keeping your firm’s unity and culture while adapting to the requirement of the task at hand is challenging. Culturalytik’s competitive edge is its ability to connect organizational culture and national culture and analyze them as one holistic picture, and not as two separate ones, identifying overlapping commonalities and differences. Moreover, it spots potential sub-cultures in your firms across locations or product lines, and how those are connected to each other. It evaluates your company’s data against existing benchmarks and analyses of cross-national cultural differences. Post-analysis, Culturalytik’s report includes bespoke suggestions to mitigate the risks associated with this multiculturalism while harnessing the maximum human potential possible out of this integration.